Positive self-talk for your va-jay-jay

I just finished reading the Vagina Bible and girl – did it ever open my eyes. Our collective internal dialogue on the subject of this sacred body part is less than rosy – pun intended. Our self-talk tends to be negative and highly critical of our vaginas. Poor little kitties…

We have been told many ridiculous untruths about our vaginas. It would be hilarious were it not for the fact that we’ve taken it on and believed it. Men have told us – and last time I checked they didn’t have female genitalia and therefore have no way of knowing -- that our vaginas are: 

·       Too tight

·       Too loose

·       Too dry

·       Too wet – anyone who complains of that has obviously never encountered a vagina having a good time

·       Too long

·       Too smelly

 Make no mistake, a lot of people get power, and make a lot of money off women feeling insecure about being women. Corporations push women to buy all kinds of products for “cleanliness” and “odour” which all suck for our health.

 Your yoni is one of the essences of being a woman. It is your center of female creative power – and I’m not just talking about baby making. It is from this sacred centre, (which, by the way, corresponds with our first chakra) where power and creativity emerge.

 Not being pro your own vagina is like a tree being critical of its leaves, or a flower debasing its petals, a dog not liking its tail, or a man not thinking his penis is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

 The very essence of being a woman cannot be defined by patriarchy or corporate greed. A radical act of self-love? Love your vagina. Say no to the forces that gain when you feel bad about it. Say yes to yourself.

 And another thing, this fad of getting rid of all pubic hair? It comes from porn. So much porn is now available that we have adopted its customs into the mainstream. That’s crazy on many levels, and a great shame because pubic hair helps protect the vagina, and increases female sexual pleasure.


My self-talk:

My vagina is awesome.

I take good care of my vagina.

I am proud and delighted to be a woman.

I decide what my vagina means to me.